Tuesday 7 May 2019

Things People Say To Female Footballers & Fans

Good evening, this is a slightly different post, in the football world there is unfortunately a lot of misogyny and homophobia, and a lot of people with outdated views towards women. Luckily women's football is a slightly more accepting and inclusive place. Twitter as an absolute gold mine for this sort of thing, just do a simple twitter search for 'women's football' if you fancy a good laugh, it's like a time machine to the 1970's. As a woman who plays football and is hugely passionate about the game, I have a lot to say on this subject, In this post I give my take some sexist arguments, enjoy xoxoxo (just a warning I'm extremely sarcastic)

"Women's football is boring"
People have watched a 2 minute video on twitter from a match and have now come to conclusion that the whole women's game is boring. You don't even pay any attention to it... It's far from boring to me, the Women's FA Cup final on Sunday literally gave me so much life more than any football game ever. Let's be real the first half wasn't great, but city getting those 3 goals in the second have was beautiful, made me realise how much I love football.

"You only say you like football for men's attention."
This is just hilarious, something I heard a lot of during the world cup last year. Believe it or not, women can have hobbies and interests that have nothing to do with men. I know, it's crazy! A lot of girls and women grew up with football, and another shocking revelation is that gay women exist, MIND BLOWN. It is very misogynistic to assume that because a woman likes what is traditionally considered a male sport, they are doing it to appease men, rather than just existing for themselves. 

"You're all lesbians."
And what about it? In all seriousness, I might be lesbian, there are a few lesbians on my team, but there are a lot of girls on my team that are straight. Plenty of professional female footballers have long term boyfriends or are married to men. Some are gay and have girlfriends. But that's not the point, sexuality is not in any way relevant when playing football, even if the whole team were raging lesbians that were dating each other that wouldn't matter, how they play is what we should be focusing on!

On another note, it seems as though same sex relationships are very accepted in women's football circles. A lot of gay players these days are very open about it, which I think is wonderful!

"Get back to the kitchen."
Genuinely find it hilarious that people still say this in the year of 2019, honestly laughable. Believe it or not women have been allowed to work and play sports for some time now, they even let us vote now! Can you believe that? 

Support women's sport, the Women's World Cup starts next month and also the netball world cup is this summer. Anyway enjoy this picture of Man City celebrating their FA Cup win because I love them very much.
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