Wednesday 19 February 2020

Lesbian 101: Dating

Attempting to date people when your a girl who likes girls seems like a completely impossible task. As a former baby gay, I have made a lot of mistakes on the journey to search for love, most of them occurring on tinder. Basically, prior to my current relationship my dating life was a complete disaster and a joke. I suppose I am now slightly qualified to be giving advice on this subject, since I now in a lovely relationship with a girl, somehow. I don't know how this has happened, it definitely must be a fluke. I am also massively punching. This is everything that I know about lesbian dating, and everything a baby gay could wish to know.


Even though they seem like a complete an utter nightmare, a lot of people have actually met their partners on dating apps. When I was single I did use tinder and had quite a few dates from it, but this was after A LOT of searching! I would definitely recommend downloading tinder for finding a date,  however you may find that many people on there are more looking for something casual rather than a relationship. It is the most popular dating app however, so obviously, there is a better success rate. Another thing Tinder is really good for is meeting up with people at festivals and prides. Make sure you put a picture of a dog on your profile, people like dogs.


Another great way to meet lesbians is on nights out. Obviously gay bars are the best places to do this. Many large cities like Manchester and Liverpool have LGBT venues (obvs only go if your over 18) Unfortunately, it is still unlikely you will meet your future wife that you will adopt dogs with on a Thursday night in G-A-Y. Let's be honest, most people are drunkenly looking for something casual, and that's putting it very politely. I am probably the exception to this as a met my girlfriend on a night out, not at a gay bar however! And if you don't meet your wife, you can still have a dance to Kylie. And get cheap double vodkas. So no downside.

Pride events happen all over the world, mostly in the month of June. Not only is it a great chance to be proud and have fun with your friends, it's also a great place to meet girls. Just stay away from the portaloos.


So a miracle has happened, the stars have aligned and you have got yourself a date. Amazing. I'm very proud. So where do you go? I think it's totally up to you, I think an adventurous date like junkyard golf and then some drinks after is a great option.

Who pays on a lesbian date? Sounds like a stupid question, but a lot of people would genuinely wonder. In my opinion, the person who's doing the asking out generally should pay.


Very over dramatic subtitle. I'm sorry that was unnecessary. After the date, send a quick text saying you had a good time. (That is, if you, er, went back to your own house.) If the first date went well, lesbian relationships normally move quite quick, so you'll probably be moving in soon. Congrats.


No. I mean it, no. We both know it will end in tears. But seriously, why do so many lesbians still have feelings for an ex? I think this is one of the great lesbian mysteries of the world. I don't understand it, and if any of you find out, please tell me.

So now you baby gays have all the knowledge you need to go into the big bad horrible world of lesbian dating. Hope you all enjoy. It's great.


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