Tuesday 14 April 2020

Summer Fashion Trends To Look Forward To

Hi babes, 
I hope everyone is well and staying safe. At the moment we don't know when the UK lockdown is going to last, but it looks like it is going to last for a while longer. Hopefully it won't be too long and life will start to go back to normal.

A lot of us are starting to think about things we can do when the lockdown is lifted. There are many things that we can all look forward to, such as seeing friends and family, nights out and parties.

At the moment I don't really encourage buying non essential items such as clothing (unless you really need it.) However it's not to early to start thinking about what we will wear after lockdown. 

I have identified the two main fashion trends of S/S 20- Eclectic brights and delicate feminine.
I decided to get creative and make some trend boards which is one of my favourite things to do. 
Seeing the trends and colours laid out is so pleasing to me. 

This trend is more flamboyant and quirky than ordinary neons. Sequins and art-inspired pieces dominated the catwalks at Ashish and Moschino. Lime green, yellow, coral, electric blue and bright pink are some of the key colours for the season.
This trend is all about being dainty and delicate but with an edge, as seen on the Gucci and Molly Goddard catwalks.


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