Wednesday 2 January 2019

2019 Goals

Happy New Year angels!

The idea of 'new years resolutions' seems quite scary to me, they seem a bit unrealistic and I have a huge fear of failure. However, I am a very ambitious person and setting goals seems a lot less scary.
For once I actually have a really good feeling about this year. I'm not putting too much pressure on myself but I think some good things are going to come my way in the next 12 months.

1. Read more
When I was younger I was a big reader but now I don't read at all! I'm going to set myself the challenge of just reading two books a month, which doesn't seem like a lot but adds up to 24 books at the end of the year. Reading is great escapism and it's something I really enjoy, so I think this is something I will definitely achieve and will also be fun. I won't lie, this did start by reading Rose and Rosie's Overshare book.

2. Survive second year and be on track to graduate with a good degree
Unfortunately, 2018 has been quite a difficult year for my mental health and as a result, my university work has suffered. I'm so passionate about fashion and what I'm studying (read a bit more about my university experience here) but depression has made me less motivated. I'm determined to get my degree though, I can and I will do it !

3. Get a tattoo
This is something I've wanted to do for a couple of years, but I am such a cry baby and I don't think I could tolerate the pain. I've had a few piercings and when I've been there, the the noise of a tattoo needle actually nearly made me cry! But life's way too short, plus I'm in the minority of gays that don't have a half sleeve of roses on their arm.

4. Get some work experience
So I'm due to graduate in just over a year and whilst that's soooo scary, I just want to take some baby steps to get to where I want to be, and try and get a couple of short work experiences before the end of 2019.

5. Work harder on my little blog
This little blog, The Fashion Femme has felt so neglected over the last few months and I'm determined to change that. Because the truth is, I LOVE writing. I feel like I can get my feelings out and truly express who I am. My blog is like my baby and I'm ready to put in the work and give it lots of love (I have quite a few posts in drafts already)

6. Celebrate my 21st with my friends
I know this sounds quite small, but historically I haven't really done much for my birthday and I don't think I've celebrated with friends since maybe my 13th? I know, sounds crazy right?! But this is a special birthday, so we should do something special. Hopefully get dressed up for some classy afternoon tea then a good old sesh. Only one year off feeling 22 like Taylor Swift, can you believe.
7. Who knows....?
So guys, just between us girls. I think 2019 might be the year I get in to a relationship. You can't plan for these things to happen, but I would love meet a nice girl, go on dates and fall in love, maybe adopt a cat... I'm getting a bit ahead of myself, but I'm a hopeless romantic. In any case, I'm going to make more of an effort to meet people, even just as mates is good.

What are your goals and plans for 2019? Whatever they are, I hope you crack on with them. If you've got any 2019 goals blog posts please do share, I'd love to give them a read. Have a good one babes you'll hear from me again soon, cya

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