Thursday 19 December 2019

Goodbye 2019, Hello 2020

From @LittleMix on instagram; Manchester Arena concert 14/11/19. I was there !!!

2019... I'm not going to lie, I'm so glad to see the back of this year. Not a lot went my way this year, some of it out of my control and some of it not so much. I thought I would write a blog post about my feelings because I've got a lot of them. Looking back at my 2019 goals I came across these wonderful and accurate lines;

Oh honey, you've got a big storm coming.

But you know what, I just need to pick myself up and keep going. I think sometimes I forget that 21 is actually very young, I've got plenty of time and it's never too late.

A new year is a fresh start, I know some people absolutely hate that saying but it's a positive way of looking at the new year.

2020 feels like a fresh white page in a new sketchbook.

I've struggled with stress and anxiety and it's really held me back. I need to stop comparing myself to my peers and wondering why I'm not doing everything they are doing. Does anyone else feel the same way? Comparison really is the thief of joy. I don't think that certain things in life, like graduating from university, getting a good job, travelling the world, have time or age restrictions. You can do everything in your own time, as long as you are doing your own personal best. Going forward into 2020, I'm going to be doing what's best for me, I'm not going to worry too much about what other people think.

Something amazing did happen this year though- I met my lovely girlfriend who has made me the happiest I've been in a long while. She's called Abbie and she's a really good egg!

As I'm trying to focus on the positives, I'm going to write a bucket list for the coming year. I'm not setting new year resolutions any more cause it's just not gonna happen. I also think it's quite negative; if you break a resolution, you feel bad about yourself. I do really want to improve my mental health but there's no pressure, like I say, I don't want to put time limits on myself.

1) Start a scrapbook - good way to channel my creative energy and it's also quite an easy way to ease myself back into making art.

2) Start an etsy shop - my mum has always said I should do this, and that I'm good at making things. If your mum supports you, well at least that's a good start. I may as well try!

3) Make a new CV and linked in account- 2020 is the year of being a very boring adult, I'm already so excited.

After all these years of blogging I've realised I can't promise regular blog posts but I do have some quite good content planned so please try and stick around for that.

See you soon. Hopefully 2020 isn't the worst?



  1. I feel like this has been a challenging year for so, so many people for various reasons. However, I think you're walking away from it with the right mindset - focusing on the new year and the possibility of things to come. Congratulations on meeting your girlfriend, that's definitely something good to come out of the year!

  2. Their are a lot of good free CV sites out there that can help design an eye-catching CV, although you're probably already aware of that. Just thought I'd say so just in case.

    Good luck with starting your Etsy store, and add it to your CV when you do


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